A Liapunov function approach to the stabilization of second order coupled systems


  • Alain Haraux Author
  • Mohamed Ali Jendoubi Author


In 2002, Fatiha Alabau, Piermarco Cannarsa and Vilmos Komornik investigated the extent of asymptotic stability of the null solution for weakly coupled partially damped equations of the second order in time. The main point is that the damping operator acts only on the first component and, whenever it is bounded, the coupling is not strong enough to produce an exponential decay in the energy space associated to the conservative part of the system. As a consequence, for initial data in the energy space, the rate of decay is not exponential. Due to the nature of the result it seems at first sight impossible to obtain the asymptotic stability result by the classical Liapunov method. Surprisingly enough, this turns out to be possible and we exhibit, under some compatibility conditions on the operators, an explicit class of Liapunov functions which allows to do 3 different things:
1. When the problem is reduced to a stable finite dimensional space, we recover the exponential decay by a single differential inequality and we estimate the logarithmic decrement of the solutions with worst (slowest) decay. The estimate is optimal at least for some values of the parameters.
2. We explain the form of the stability result obtained by the previous authors when the coupling operator is a multiple of the identity, so that the decay is not exponential.
3. We obtain new exponential decay results when the coupling operator is strong enough (in particular unbounded). The estimate is again sharp for some solutions.







How to Cite

Haraux, A., & Jendoubi, M. A. (2016). A Liapunov function approach to the stabilization of second order coupled systems. North-Western European Journal of Mathematics, 2, 129-150. https://nwejm.univ-lille.fr/index.php/nwejm/article/view/62