About the Journal

Some famous European places

Aims and scope

The North-Western European Journal of Mathematics publishes research articles and surveys in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, including history of mathematics. Articles can be submitted in Dutch, English, French or German.


Peer Review Process

The reviewing process is simple anonymous, that is the reviewers are kept anonymous while the authors are not. The authors are asked to provide the names of one or two potential associate editors who will manage their article. Then, the editor in chief assigns the article to an associate editor who seeks reviewer(s). Once the reviews are available, the associate editor reports his decision to the whole editorial board which takes the final decision regarding the acceptance of the article.

Open Access Policy

The North-Western European Journal of Mathematics adheres to the principles of Fair Open Access, and is a member of the Free Journal Network. No charges are levied on authors. Articles are freely available to anyone as soon they are accepted. Hard copies of a volume are available at the cost of the paper and delivery.

Copyright Notice

Authors keep their copyrights. Thus they can reuse figures, article parts or any material they need for subsequent work. The contract license is the Creative Commons License CC-BY which is the most flexible contract maximising the readership on publication.



The Paul Painlevé Laboratory and the Department of Mathematics of Lille provide financial support which ensures that this journal stays open access. The French Mathematical Society (SMF), the Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG), the Luxembourg Mathematical Society (SML) and the Fields Institute support this project, of a mathematics journal by a non-profit publisher, making research available free of charge for readers and authors.


This journal owes much to the following persons: Denis Bitouzé for LaTeX support, Nadine Demarelle for printing service, François Westerlynck and Yanis Neggaoui for computer engineering issues, and Omar Aouadi for secretarial tasks.